Upcoming activities of DARIAH-BE
Currently there are no activities planned
Other (international) digital humanities activities
- Bringing monuments to life: Thinking about visitor experiences - Call for papers, Paris (75008)
- Ancient written cultures without borders: international portals forum - Call for papers, Aubervilliers (93300)
- The social mechanisms as seen through the lens of social networks - Call for papers
- Launch of the digital platform “ImpressionnismeS” - Miscellaneous information, Paris (75002)
- From Polarity to Circumpolarity: The Future of Canadian Studies in Europe - Call for papers, Stockholm
- Des revues sous les projecteurs. Publier en études africaines - Cycle de conférences, Aubervilliers (93)
- Penser l’urbain par l’image - douze ans de recherche-création collective - Séminaire, Paris (75)
- Summer School on Public History - École thématique, Wrocław (50-139)